Jeslyn went from boring career path to exciting and lucrative job as .NET Developer

Sabio Alumni Jeslyn

On the eve of a 26th birthday, most find themselves still searching for the career that feels (and pays) just right. Thanks to Sabio, Jeslyn however is already a successful .NET developer with nowhere to go but up. Yet, this clear path wasn’t always so laid out for her, like many at a younger age she was simply looking for a “good profession,” and getting by working in corporate marketing.

“I got my masters, and I was going into a health profession, which to be honest, I wasn’t interested in personally. And that’s pretty much when I realized within my first year that I was doing well, but really not enjoying the classes or observations as much.”

It was lucky circumstance that just at that time a friend of hers was getting into coding and they both discovered Sabio. “Literally a week from discovering it, I dropped out of my masters and went full fledged with Sabio.”

When asked why she put her eggs all in the Sabio basket, Jeslyn had an immediate response. “Because they seemed, …just to put it bluntly, the most legitimate. I even have friends who went to other bootcamps, and I heard from them that the graduates from the bootcamps were the ones teach there, unlike Sabio which has actual industry professional. I also appreciated how they showed their stats, they had amazing reviews online where everyone repeatedly said, ‘trust in the system,” and ‘within X amount of time you’ll get there. There was just a foundation and support that spoke for itself. I looked at other schools, but Sabio set such a high standard, no where else came close.”


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