Matthew's Success After Sabio Coding Bootcamp

“I have a degree in biochemistry,” Matthew remarked. “I’ve always loved mechanisms and understanding how things work, so I kind of had the mindset of thinking in small pieces already planted in me. After college, chemistry lead me to the lab industry. I wanted to do research, but I learned that I’d have to get a PhD if I wanted to level up. That was way too big a time and financial commitment for me, especially for something I wasn’t sure that I loved to do. I just started researching my options, and coding kind of popped up, that’s what lead me to Sabio.”

Lucky for Matthew, he had a close friend who was herself a close friend with a Sabio alumnus, “She put me in touch with a graduate who had attended DTLA, so I called them and they told me the whole deal. How you have PreWork, where you get to learn and test a lot of valuable things before you go into cohort.

The fact that you can get your feet wet before you even get going was extremely helpful for me to sort of give it a test run before I committed. That really put things into perspective and moved Sabio up to one of my top choices. Then I found out that while at Sabio you work on a real project from a real client that you can put on your resume. That sold it for me.”

Matthew felt particularly privileged for the real-world project his team got to work on, “It was for the City of LA which was magnificent. It wasn’t like I was building an application for myself or for nobody to actually use. We needed to build something for Los Angeles that would be used across the county. That’s how I knew it would be in the industry, so it felt like Sabio was preparing me for the best.”

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