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Sabio. The Decision of a Lifetime
Wednesday, June 8, 2022
More from Sabio
The Road To Success
The Road To Success
My name is Rob and I'm from Twin Peaks, California. I'm a veteran. I served four years in the military. Right after I got out, I was only really qualified for hard labor jobs. I had never heard of a coding bootcamp before I'd even think that I was smart enough to code. I mean, it just sounds like a lot of math. And I started working on Sabio, I really enjoyed the feeling that I got it solved the problem. And then taking the assessment, I was shocked when I pass what sold me on the program was the fact that they have a deferred payment program. You don't have to pay until you get a job. In my mind, I was like, you gotta be a really good program in order to take that amount of risk on a person. I'm currently application developer at Orthofix Incorporated sabe Jeremy for the job. Because I was able to just jump right in, I got super comfortable speaking to people over zoom. I also am super comfortable with stand up now I got to work on a real world project for another healthcare company. Actually, my life has changed because of Sabio. I live in an amazing place now that I never thought I would live in a place like this. I mean, I have a forest in my backyard. I also make two times as much as I've ever made in my entire life. I don't worry about money ever anymore. I used to not see my son a whole lot because I've worked a crazy amount of hours now I'm actually able to spend a lot of time with him. And I also have the money to go and do things. This program really catapults people in a positive direction.
My name is Melissa Hargus. And I'm from Texas. Originally, around the time that I decided to join Savio, I was teaching the most amount of classes that you could teach at a university I'd maxed out on my salary, which wasn't very high at all. There was no room for growth. I wanted to constantly be developing my career and my skills. And I came across some yoke that Sabio from day one we're learning by doing and we are doing the things that you actually will do in your job. Currently, I am working for a company called upstart my title is Senior Software Engineer in my job, I'm fortunate enough to kind of have freedom to work on what it is that interests me. And that's very typical software and engineering position. One of the great things about being an engineer is the job flexibility. I was able to buy a house and I could go anywhere because we're remote first. So I said hey, where do I want to live? I want to live in Hawaii on the beach. And so I could afford that. And without Savio, I would never be here. Savio gave me those skills very quickly to get my first job. And it's just been one awesome thing after the next I started with Sabio seven years ago, and now here I am. It's really night and day that I can actually afford to buy a house. I never thought ever in my wildest dreams that I'd be living and working in Hawaii making a lot of money. So thank you Savio.
My name is Marty Henry, and I'm from Inglewood, California. I've never done coding prior to Sabio. I didn't really know an HTML from a CSS or JavaScript. My experience is Sabio was for lack of a better word fulfilling, I like to figure stuff out like to build things I like to be creative. So I think coding enables my creativity in a different form of medium. It's very empowering. Because once you get into the job market, you really see the difference of how in demand you are with your skill set. And it's almost like you're able to make the calls of what job you want. There was a hackathon that we competed in, I actually won first place winning that hackathon told me that this is something I know I can do for a living. My job now is a sports digital media company. They're based in Italy, but they have offices in LA I got a pretty good job offer. They also flew me out to Italy where I was able to do some training and work with the other developers there. What was great about the cohort environment is pretty much the same as how you would work in a professional environment, that kind of environment that Savio Garner's is what helps in the real world as well, that also that helped me even with pretty much every job that I had. I've only been coding for barely three years and I have a great paying job thanks to Sabio
During our Info Sessions you will learn all about our program, and also get to speak with Sabio team members. In addition, every week you get to hear directly from recent grads that are now thriving in tech.
Info Sessions are your chance to meet our instructors via Zoom and to get an overview
of what Sabio and Alliant International University have to offer from our innovative program.
It’s a warm environment where you can ask questions and get over any fears or hesitancy you
may be experiencing.
*All times are PDT/PST